Unique Places In Australia

When we are going to visiting any country, city, or place, our priority is to see the unique places of that country. According to research, most people visit traditional tourism points like beaches, historic buildings, tombs, islands, zoos, museums, and educational institutions. When we talked about visiting unique places in Australia, people go to the opera house, Harbour Bridge, and the Great Barrier Reef. But here, we will talk about two unique places in Australia: Fitzroy Island and Kakadu national park. The brief details of these unique places in Australia are following.
Fitzroy Island

Fitzroy Island is known as the paradise slice on earth due to its beauty and attraction. It is a part of the Great Barrier Reef. This place is ideal for visiting families, with friends, and staying overnight. It is twenty-nine kilometers away from Cairns city and a 45-minute drive. Most of Fitzroy Island consists of a national park. The climate temperature of Fitzroy Island ranges from 24 degrees to 31 degrees. The exciting thing is that just 44 people lived there that is counted as its population.
There are walking tracks to discover the unbelievable scenes, and you can also find this Fitzroy Island, a part of the national park with boats on specific routes. An exceptional resort manages the visitors and provides them stay, camping, and other facilities. The exciting part of this resort is the drinking bar and the swimming pool that becomes most attractive at night because of its lightning decoration.
Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park is one of the best unique places to visit in Australia. It is the largest national park in Australia. It is announced as the national heritage by UNESCO. It is just at the drive of 3 hours and 240 km away from Darwin city. This national park is also famous for its culture and its different large number of species. It has both seasons that are dry and wet. The average maximum recorded temperature is about 33 °C here.
This national park has rivers, landforms, wildlife, waterfalls, etc. it also has several migrated birds in different seasons, enhancing its charm. The view of flying thousands of birds makes it an unforgettable memory of the life of visitors. People do hunting in the park and but it is ceased in the season of rains because of wet ground that becomes muddy. Mining is also done here to get different metals and ores.
Following activities are done by the visitors here.
- Rocks hiking
- Night camping
- Walking tracks
- Fish hunting
- Swimming especially in resort pool
Interesting Factors About Kakadu National Park
It has almost 5000 amazing rock art sites to see and explore nature. These rocks have a history of 2.5 billion years ago. Uranium is get from these rocks from mining. It has more than 1700 kinds of plants, 74 species of mammals and the species of birds are up to 280, reptiles have 117 species, the frog has 25 species, almost 10,000 insects’ species, and 53 species of fish are found in Kakadu National Park.
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