Grace Tame – Speaking Out Women’s Rights

About Women’s rights Event
The year began with a march for women’s rights on March 4th and finished with several government ministers resigning.
Event Date – 01/03/2022
Event Day – Tuesday
In the aftermath of a global epidemic, we saw high-profile defamation prosecutions and reckoning in Canberra, culminating in Kate Jenkins’ devastating report into parliamentary behavior. The year 2021 provided a look into the unifying power of women’s collective voices, which, when harnessed, has the potential to transform history.
Fierce ladies are not a new phenomenon, but in the past year, the plodding march toward equality has gained a rolling pace, for women’s rights with the fiercest voices coming from the corridors of power.
Grace used her time as Australian of the Year to hold those in power accountable, to reframe our understanding of child sexual abuse, and to empower survivors to speak their stories without fear of being judged. Because of her tireless efforts with policymakers, our media and judicial institutions now assist survivors rather than abusers. If the topic of Grace’s talk causes anybody any anxiety or distress,
Visitor Safety Information
Our primary goal is your health and safety, so please read the information below about your visit. Please check back before attending the event because these measures are updated and reviewed regularly based on the current public health order, women’s rights For the time being, all parts of the Roundhouse will be socially distanced at 1 per 2 square meters.
Please follow our conditions of entry at all times:
- Upon entering the venue, proof of immunization is required.
- Please remember to bring a face mask.
- Patrons aged 12 and up must wear a mask in the foyers and theatres at all times, including during the performance.
- If you are sick, have recently experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms, or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, please do not attend the event.
- All attendees must use the Service NSW smartphone app to check-in.
- To avoid delays, make sure you’ve downloaded and logged into the Service NSW app before coming.
- Staff will assist you if you do not have a smartphone when you arrive.
Wheelchair Accessible
The Roundhouse is located on the Kensington Campus of UNSW Sydney (E6 on map). The north entrance to the Roundhouse is the most easily accessible drop-off place (D5 on the map). Vehicles must enter by Gate 2 on High Street, proceed to Third Avenue, and then turn right onto 1st Avenue West.
Assisted Listening
The Roundhouse is equipped with a hearing loop.
On request, the Centre for Ideas can provide Auslan translating services for certain talks.
UNSW Sydney has several parking options, including Western Campus Carpark is accessible via Day Avenue. Also, Barker St Carpark is accessible via Gate 14, and Botany St Carpark is accessible via Gate 11.
Please contact the Centre for Ideas at 02 9065 0485 or with any event questions or to discuss your accessibility needs.
The National Relay Service allows the Centre for Ideas to receive phone calls. Call 133 677 and ask for 02 9065 0485 if you are using a TTY device. Also, call 1300 555 727 and ask for 02 9065 0485 if you’re using Speak and Listen. Relay service users should go to and dial 02 9065 0485.
Grace gave her story, along with the stories of 16 other heroic survivors, to Nina Funnell’s #LetHerSpeak campaign because she saw the injustice of Tasmania’s gag rule, which prevented survivors from freely self-identifying.
Her main objectives are to allow survivors to tell their stories without fear of being judged. Also, to educate the public about the process and long-term consequences of grooming. And to work with policymakers and decision-makers to ensure that the federal legal system supports survivors rather than perpetrators.
She is also a committed yoga teacher, visual artist, and long-distance champion runner, having set a new female race record of 2:59:31 at the 2020 Ross Marathon. She frequently appears as a keynote speaker, television guest, and advocacy pundit.
Kyllie Cripps
South Wales, Sydney, and the Gendered Violence Research Network’s Co-Convenor. She has contributed to the knowledge base by conducting empirical studies. Also, that defined violence in Indigenous terms identified the elements that contribute to violence. And looked at Indigenous peoples’ access to and availability of assistance in the aftermath of violence.
Emma A Jane
Emma A Jane is an Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney’s School of the Arts and Media. Emma’s study focuses on new technologies’ social and ethical ramifications. Also, her interdisciplinary study program includes gender studies, cultural studies, philosophy, and science and technology studies scholarship and methodologies.