Best Global Enterprise – Start up Croydons November Event

Global Enterprise – Start up Croydons
We will conduct another networking event as part of Global Enterprise Week to bring together local business people and help strengthen our local economy. We managed to gather over 70 individuals last year and are highly known in the area for providing fantastic networking opportunities.
We are returning to continue our cause of creating economic growth in the Croydon region, after celebrating International Women’s Day in early February with a packed room of local company owners, all of whom made connections and went on to do business with one another.
Networking event Global Enterprise with a panel discussion to inspire the audience with conversations re overcoming adversity to go on to deliver success!
About Global Enterprise – Start up Croydons Event
Date – 18 November
Day – Friday
Time – 14:30 – 18:00 GMT
Location – Weatherill House Business Centre New South Quarter 23 Whitestone Way Croydon CR0 4WF United Kingdom
Refund – No Refund
Global Enterprise – Detailed Description
We care about equality and inclusion, therefore we’d like to welcome you to join us on the eve of International Men’s Day for an afternoon of enterprise engagement with a panel of Men! These carefully picked men are all eager to share their stories of overcoming obstacles and succeeding in business.
We believe that the event will provide inspiration and support to all guests, particularly males, who often require encouragement to share difficulties that can negatively impact their mental health.
It is tempting to believe that success is passed down from generation to generation and that personal difficulties cause poor outcomes. We all face problems in our personal and professional lives at various times of our lives, and these experiences can provide us with character strength and a feeling of determination. We believe that this event will refute those myths and demonstrate that all persons are capable of overcoming obstacles.
Our panel will consist of:
- Brain Duffus of the Duffus Foundation will tell the story of how he built the brand his late brother Leroy started and the wonderful legacy he left.
- Jerry Meldron, who spent most of his youth in foster care, has gone on to establish his own successful business, assisting and encouraging other business leaders and teams to succeed by instilling confidence in them.
- Matt Wood will speak about his personal journey with mental health and how focusing on helping others through his mission to overcome barriers to work has fueled his rehabilitation and positively influenced others.
- I am Brahim Animashawun, a young man at the outset of his career who will share the hurdles he has had to overcome in order to grow.
Agenda of Global Enterprise
- 2.30 – Arrival drinks and networking and mini trade fair
- 3.30 pm -Intro from our CEO Saffron Saunders
- 3.45 – 4.30 -Panel interview and discussion
- 4.30-6.30 – Drinks, nibbles, and networking
We are now seeking sponsorship; if you are interested in supporting this event, please contact us. Previous Sponsor Carol Daniels, Operations Director at National Enterprise Network, reported:
National Enterprise Network was invited to present one of its European initiatives at a networking event organized by Start Up Croydon in November 2021.
‘Start-Up Croydon organized a highly professional event that was a big success; there were over 80 people in attendance, which is a testament to the reputation that Start-Up Croydon has built up within its community and the high regard that they are regarded in. Saffron Saunders, the CEO, kept us updated on how the event plans were moving, which was critical because we had a lot of KPIs that needed to be met through our European contract. Overall, it was a fantastic occasion.’