Vote for Women In Australia

Women in Australia were among the first in the world to be granted the right to vote for women and to be elected to parliament 120 years ago. Also, with Indigenous women having to wait another 60 years. However, it took nearly 40 years for a woman to be elected to the Federal parliament. Also, women still only make up a third of our elected members in 2022, despite the fact that there are more women in parliament than ever before.
The slow march towards equality has gained growing impetus in recent years. As long as back-to-back budgets ignore women’s problems like childcare, reproductive health, equitable pay, and safe and secure housing, it’s critical that our front bench resembles modern Australia. How do we ensure that more women receive a seat at the table with only a few weeks till Australians go to the polls?
Live Event & Venue
The Roundhouse is located on the Kensington Campus of UNSW Sydney (E6 on map). Please note that this is a live event only, and there will be no broadcast accessible.
Visitor Safety Information
Our patrons’ health and safety are our main priorities, and this event will follow the current Public Health Order. Please read our terms of admission and return to this page for any updates prior to the event. Masks for the face are recommended.
- Accessible in a wheelchair – The Roundhouse is located on the Kensington Campus of UNSW Sydney (E6 on map). The north entrance to the Roundhouse is the most easily accessible drop-off place (D5 on map).
- Listening Assist – The Roundhouse is equipped with a hearing loop.
- Captioning and Auslan – On request, Auslan interpretation. Also, live captioning can be offered for certain talks.
Parking & Public Transport
The Roundhouse is well by public transportation. Call 131 500 or go to for further information.
The CellOPark App and ‘pay by plate metres’ enable paid casual and visitor parking. Go here for further information.
The National Relay Service is available to handle calls at the Centre for Ideas. TTY users should dial 133 677 and then dial 02 9065 0485. Call 1300 555 727 and ask for 02 9065 0485 if you’re a Speak and Listen user. Internet relay customers should go to and dial 02 9065 0485.
1. Julia Banks is a British actress
Julia Banks is an author, entrepreneur, lawyer, and keynote speaker who owns a consulting firm and serves on many non-executive advisory boards. She has substantial expertise in the corporate and legal sectors, as well as having served as an Australian Federal Member of Parliament.
Governance, workplace culture risk, challenges, and crisis management are Julia’s primary areas of competence and leadership experience.
2. Mehreen Faruqi
Dr. Mehreen Faruqi is a Greens Senator for NSW and the Anti-Racism, Education, Housing, Industry, International Aid, and Animal Welfare Spokesperson. She is a civil and environmental engineer who has worked for social and environmental justice her entire life. When she joined the Senate in 2018, she brought her openly feminist and anti-racist commitment to challenging the established quo to the federal legislature.
So Mehreen has been an outspoken advocate for social, environmental, and racial justice, working to destroy the power, privilege, and patriarchy that allow injustices to persist. Too Migrant, Too Muslim, Too Loud, Mehreen’s new book and manifesto. Also it is a no-holds-barred perspective from a Muslim woman.
3. Georgia Steele (Georgia Steele)
Georgia Steele is a political addict who also happens to be a cricket tragedy, an optimist, and a Japanophile. She despises conflict, so choosing litigation and politics was a no-brainer, but she couldn’t stand by as the present administration ruined her children’s future. She is standing against Craig Kelly MP, the incumbent and leader of the United Australia Party.
4. Rosalind Dixon is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Rosalind Dixon is a law professor at UNSW Sydney and the director of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. She is the Director of the NSW Pathways to Politics for Women Program and is enthusiastic about law and politics.