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Australia 4.0 Summit – Leading the Transition to Net Zero

Are you passionate about Australia’s sustainable future? Join us for the “Australia 4.0 Summit” on Monday, 30th October 2023, from 3:30 AM to 9:00 AM PKT. This transformative event is dedicated to exploring the challenges and incredible opportunities in steering Australia towards a Net Zero future.

Event Details:

About Australia 4.0 Summit: The Australia 4.0 Summit is a groundbreaking event tailored to address and discuss the crucial aspects of transforming Australia into a Net Zero nation. This summit serves as a platform for:

Key Topics Include:

  1. Renewable Energy: Explore the role of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions and fostering a cleaner environment.
  2. Sustainable Practices: Learn about sustainable practices in various industries, from agriculture to manufacturing.
  3. Policy & Regulation: Understand the policies and regulations that are driving Australia’s journey to Net Zero and how they impact businesses and communities.
  4. Economic Opportunities: Discover the economic opportunities arising from sustainable initiatives and how they can benefit both individuals and organizations.

Who Should Attend?

Why Choose Our Summit? The Australia 4.0 Summit is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experts, and actively participate in shaping Australia’s sustainable future. Gain actionable insights, connect with change-makers, and leave inspired to make a difference.

Registration: Don’t miss your chance to be part of this essential conversation. Secure your spot today by registering Ticket and be part of the Australia 4.0 Summit. Let’s work together to drive Australia toward a Net Zero future.


Session 1 – 9.30am – 11.30am

Topic: Where are we now? A summary of the issues identified in discussion sessions 1 through 7

Session 2 – 12.30pm – 2.30pm

Topic: Where to next? How the industry views the current situation and what are desired outcomes.

PLEASE NOTE: Access details for both sessions will be sent to you prior to the events commencing.

The Australia 4.0 Summit is moving ONLINE due to overwhelming demand!

As so many of the attendees for our discussion session series are not able to join us in person in Sydney for the Summit – we’re bringing the Summit to you.

The Australia 4.0 discussion series and summit are designed to open the door to substantial innovation and business opportunities throughout the Australian ICT sector.

These activities explore the profound changes required of the Australian electricity system to realise a Net Zero Australia. This outcome demands significant collaboration between the energy and ICT sectors.

The Australia 4.0 Summit is intended to include diverse perspectives, across key stakeholders, exploring the opportunities for the Australian ICT sector to contribute to the transition to Net Zero of the Australian electricity system.

The particular focus of Australia 4.0 dialogue is on the distribution network and electricity consumer end of the system where there is rapidly increasing technical, market and regulatory complexity that can only be facilitated and controlled with new hardware and software.

As such, the goal for Australia 4.0 is to use broad based engagement across the energy sector including utilities, generators, retailers, regulators, policy, industry, academia and technology, as well as allied interest from adjacent sectors such as water, transport and finance.

Join us on Monday, 30th October, and become a catalyst for positive change in Australia’s journey towards sustainability. See you at the summit!

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